Pothos plants, native to the jungles of Malaysia, are highly adaptable, glossy-leafed plants with heart-shaped leaves. A Golden Pothos has yellow and green leaves, a Marble Queen Pothos has white and green leaves, and a Jade Pothos has solid green leaves.
There is a pothos plant variety for almost any light situation. Green Jade pothos with their solid green leaves do well in low light. The Golden pothos variety, with yellow and green leaves, likes medium light. Marble Queen pothos, with green and white leaves, grow best in medium to bright indirect light. The lighter the color in the leaves, the more light a plant requires.
Water well and then allow the top 50% of the soil to dry out before watering again. Over-watering is the main reason a pothos plant dies. Bright yellow leaves indicate that the soil has gotten too dry before you watered it. New growth and older leaves turn pale yellow and may get black spots on the leaves when a pothos is over- watered.
Pothos plants do well in temperatures between 55° and 80°F (12.8°-26.7°C). If temperatures drop below 45°F (7.2°C), a pothos plant stops growing and the leaves turn black. Basic household humidity is fine.
Pothos plants are relatively pest resistant. If the soil stays too damp, Fungus Gnats may appear. Mealy Bugs are another pest to look out for.
Over-watering causes plant diseases such as crown, leaf, and root rot. Once pothos plant roots are destroyed, is difficult to save the plant.
Use a well-aerated, quick-draining potting soil that dries out quickly.
Pothos plants like to be root-bound in small pots. Do not re-pot until the roots of the plant have filled the existing container. There must always be drip holes in the bottom of the pot so excess water can escape.
Trim long runners to keep a pothos looking bushy and full. 5”- 6” cuttings can be rooted in water or vermiculite and used to start new plants.
NASA lists potho plants as ” Clean Air Plants” that help remove harmful chemicals such as formaldehyde from the air.