
wholesale Ivy Plants
Hanging Ivy’s

English Ivy plants, native to North America, Europe, and Asia, can be found in over 100 different sizes, colors, and leaf shapes. Whether you want a plant to place on a table, hang from the ceiling, sit in a wall sconce, or train as a topiary there is an English Ivy plant for you.

English Ivy plants like bright indirect light. Direct sun burns their leaves. When the light is too low, the new leaves are smaller and further apart on the stem.

Most English Ivy plants die because they are over-watered. Allow the top 25-30% of the soil to dry out before watering. Crispy leaves indicate over-watering not under-watering.

English Ivy plants grow well in temperatures between 55°- 75°F (12.8°-23.9° C) during the daytime and about 10° cooler at night (45°-65°F/ 7.2°-12.8°C). They do grow better when the temperature is consistent.

Medium to high humidity helps maintain the appearance of the leaves.

English Ivy plants are susceptible to spider mites, scale, Mealy Bugs, Aphids, and white flies.

Aggressively trim the long runners to keep the plant bushy and full.