
There are over 200 species of the easy to grow almost indestructible hoya plant. Hoya plants are often referred to as Wax plants because of the waxy nature of their leaves and flowers. They have long trailing vines that often intertwine. Under the proper conditions hoya plants produce five-pointed, star shaped, fragrant flowers in red, white, pink, purple, yellow, orange, and even black.

Hoya plants do best and bloom more often in very bright light. They are one of the few indoor plants that can handle direct morning sun. Although hoya plants can adapt to lower light, they will grow slower and not produce their fragrant waxy flowers that are so beautiful

Hoyas are Succulent Plants so allow the soil to dry out quite a bit before watering. These plants do thrive on neglect, but need additional water when in bloom.

Hoya plants can adapt to almost any moderate temperature, but prefer 60°-65° at night and 70°-80° during the day.

Here are some specific hints on how to get a hoya plant to flower. A mature hoya plant (3 plus yrs) produces beautiful clusters of fragrant flowers in numerous colors. Each hoya flower has five waxy petals. New flowers develop on the older stems so never cut off the old flower stems. The ideal location indoors is right in front of a window facing east or west where the plant can get a few hours of direct sunlight. Provide bright, indirect light the rest of the day. Allow the soil to almost totally dry out before watering. If your water contains fluorine or chlorine, allow it to sit out 24 hours or more so the chemicals can dissipate before using it. These chemicals are very harmful to a hoya plant. In winter, when the plant is resting, allow the soil to totally dry out before watering; this helps it bloom more the rest of the year.

Hoya plants are susceptible to Mealy Bugs, spider mites, and Aphids.

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